who reads my blog knows that I have been severely lacking in my
postings lately. I wish I could just say that it's cause I am so busy
in rl. But that would be not the case. I have been feeling uninspired
to blog. Not because I have stopped styling. I still love to do that,
but because as of late, I hate just posting pictures with links on where
to get the clothing. I always wanted my blog to be more. There are so
many fashion blogs out there that do just that, and while I think it's
great that so many people are blogging different styles and designers,
well, looking at pictures after a while can be frankly, boring. The
blogs that I love to read...and to be honest there are VERY few, always
have something outside of the realm of fashion to say. I have tons of
pictures I have taken....but they lay on my desktop unused cause I found
I have nothing to say, or worse, that I have lost my voice. I
admire those who feel they can eloquently put pen to paper and have
their ideas flow so easily..writing every single day. As someone who
has a learning disability in RL (AD/HD) I find sometimes communicating
what I feel down on paper extremely confusing and frustrating. Not that
it is any easier verbally sometimes, but I always
feel that I am misunderstood a lot of the times with the written word,
especially when it is something or someone I feel passionate about.

I feel like my inability to communicate can also lead me to heart break. I am so scared of losing those I care about off, that maybe I don't say what I need and expect from a relationship as much. I am the kind of person that if someone who I care deeply about says "this is important to me" I remember it and I honestly try to do it. So when the same is not given back to me, I get hurt and deeply. Sounds slightly co-dependent I know, but honestly, I have not met a single person in sl or rl who does not display some kind of co-dependent tendency. I have learned to not ask nor expect a lot from most people. This is something I am working on myself because I realize depending TOO much on people is just as bad as feeling as you can not depend on anyone. Or there is always a price that is to be paid when you do depend on someone. Things look perfect from the outside, but it's not quite Wonderland. Or maybe it is. Wonderland was a very dangerous place with disappointments and traps around every corner.
Hair - Giz Type A in Onyx - D!VA at the Arcade Gatcha Event
Eyeliner - So Cute in Black - Mons
Lipstick - Lumina Lips in Fruitpuch - Glamourize (30 Colors for 33L on MP)
Jewelry - Goddess Dark Silver Jewelry Set - Aphrodite Fashions
Nails - Seven Deadly Sins Envy 3D Nails - Moondance Boutique
Shirt - I Love You Tank Top - Nya's Shop
Pants - Samba Capri Pants - Nya's Shop
Sneakers - Plain - Nya's Shop
Location Shot at Almost Wonderland; Mandi Isle Sim
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