Monday, March 12, 2012

Favole at Fashion For Life

The amazing event "Fashion For Life" is taking place on SL.  All of the amazing designers have donated specially made items or exclusive colors for this wonderful event. 100% of the proceeds for this event go to Relay For Life (Cancer Research).  There is nothing more fashionable, in sl or rl, than helping those less fortunate than yourself. These posts will be different as I will only be naming the items available at the Fashion For Life Event. If you are interested in something else I am wearing or my style card for a picture, Please leave me a comment here, drop me a nc in world (as my ims cap) or send me an email

Favole is quickly becoming one of my favorite stores. Edgy, dark, feminine and fun.  Here are the four items that Favole has donated and can only be found for sale at the Fashion for Life Event. All poses by The Muse Poses - with *Anymore, Bliss Couture, Catwa, FineSmith, PurpleMoon Creations and Vanity Hairs

Please note that the Black Dahlia Dress and Stormed 7 Corset are both MESH items and require mesh compatible viewers to see. Always try demos before purchasing mesh (I am wearing size extra small in both Black Dahlia and Stormed 7)

Dress - Black Dahlia Mesh Dress - Favole Fashion For Life Exclusive

 Gown - Estranged in Black - Favole Fashion For Life Exclusive

  Gown - Propriety in Red - Favole Fashion For Life Exclusive
 Corset - Stormed 7 Mesh Corset - Favole Fashion For Life Exclusive

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