Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Happy Anniversary to Me

On April 22nd, BellaUnbound had it's one year anniversary. I can't believe I have been doing this for an entire year. When I started this blog, it was just something to do out of sheer boredom.  Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought it would have changed my entire SL...and for the better.

I have met some of the most amazing and talented people because of my blog.  I have the honor and privilege of working at one of the hottest stores in Second Life because of this blog.  People I admired for the longest time because of their talent as designers, stylists and models...people who I would giggle at if I saw shopping around because I was SLStarstruck, I now call co-workers and more importantly friends....good friends who support me, encourage me and push me to go even farther that I thought I could/

This blog has been one of the biggest blessings to me.  I do it because i Love it and because it simply is not something I could not do in RL for a multitude of reasons.

To the following people and stores, I say thank you.  BellaUnbound could not and would not exist if it wasn't for you, your talent, your designs, your friendship.  

Inaya Rajal, Justen Harvy, Maggie Werefox (aka Aurora Davidovasic).....no longer on sl much, but my three best friends in the world. My rocks, my strengths. Without these three people. I am nothing.

Poulet Koenkamp - the first person to ask me to officially blog for them. Poulet your friendship means the world to me.  You are the closest thing in SL I have to a mom and you are amazing. I don't get what you see in me, but I am blessed that you do.

Rusalk, Jai, Cat, Cierra and the rest of the amazing models and staff at PurpleMoon Creations: I am honored to be counted amongst you.  You are all amazing women and you inspire me daily. You are also a bunch of freaks, but we won't let the rest of the world know that (oy, if you could only see the staff group chat sometimes *blushes*)

Elise Enzo - you were the first one to tell me to do a blog.  Your amazing, now unfortunately defunct blog Elise Confidential, was my inspiration. 

Halllie Larsson-Kidd: without you this wouldn't have happened...so blame her.  I was this weird chick who met her during a hunt and saw this beautiful avatar and just randomly imed her (I actually think I met you under my old alt LOL).  She kindly took me under her wing and showed me and helped me. She let me in on little trade secrets she did not have to.  I will always be grateful, thankful and look up to you Halllie. 

Pily Whitesong - Girl you drive me absolutely crazy sometimes.  But i love and adore you, thank you for giving me the chance to expand my fashion horizons with Fashion Inc...and thanks for letting me be the one to send out all the bitchy notices so everyone still loves you.

Giz Seorn, Auster Elan, Agnes Finney, IndigoBlue, Chantkare, Addiction Jewelry, Mood Jewelry, SD, BlueBlood, Wicca Merlin, Frozen Rage, Tabata Jewel, MorganLeFay, Morgaine Batista, WetCats, FashionForward in SL Group, Virtual Fashion Feed, Fashion in Pixels and to whomever I missed, I am so sorry.  Thank you so much for giving me the honor of blogging your creations, inspiring me or just plain putting up with me.

Krypto Dragoone and Liberty Valeska (now on SL as another name)...my oldest friends in sl. Lib, i met you the first day I was on sl.....you showed me how to rez a box, put on attachments and helped me navigate this crazy world. She is the one person who can remember me saying "Prim eyelashes are STOOOPID and I will never wear them"  and also only of the only people around who knew me when I wore bling. *shudders* lol. they also both remember me when i was a red head. LOL. I love you both.

Finally my Bloodlines friends and family - Sleepless Knights, Eternally Embraced Horde and my fellow Liaisons.....

You have put up with me since almost day one.  Thank you for encouraging me to step outside of Bloodlines and pursue my SL to the fullest. No matter where that may lead.

Here's to another year

Love always
Belladonna Wexhome
Syndicated Fashion Blogger
PurpleMoon Creations Live Model
Fashion Inc - COO/Group Manager
Bloodlines Liaison
Eternally Embraced Baroness
Former Princess of Knights


  1. Yay!! So proud of you sisy!! Your blog has always been amazing!

    1. awww thank you sissy inaya who signed in and used her rl account to leave this message. muahahahaa
