Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Valentino Inspiration From GizzA Creations and Eye by Agnes Finney

Inspired by the couture House of Valentino, Gizza Creations has released this stunning pants suit for women.  It is frilly, fun and damn sexy. AND I got new eyes.  Agnes Finney has released a set of gorgeous, realistic eyes in every color you could want.  I had been wearing the same violet eyes from Beauty Avatar for over two years, just cause I could not find any I liked better.  Well, I found them!!

 Hair - Crystal in Midnight (Pic 1) - Exile, Mia in Black (Pic 2) - PurpleMoon Creations
Betty Lou in Midnight (Pic 3 - 5) - Exile
Skin - Martina Glow Skin in Fair - LAQ
Eyes - Forever Eyes in Delicious - Agnes Finney
Eyelashes - Lush Asian 2 - Eye Candi
Eye Make-Up - Audace - Madrid Solo (Gypset Special) (Pic 2)
Jewelry - Cubics in Under The Moonlight (Pics 1, 3-5) - PurpleMoon Creations
Cubics in In The Fall (Pic 2) - PurpleMoon Creations
Outfit - Valentino Inspirations in Beige (Pic 1), Terra Cotta (Pic 2) and Black (Pics 3-5) - Gizza Creations

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